The State of the Church

The State of the Church

We live in a rapidly changing world. There is a whirlwind of technological advancements in our culture and it seems the pace of life is becoming more “instant” every day. The Barna Group cites that attention spans are declining. To accommodate cultural changes, many pastors are watering down the message of the Gospel to attract more people, especially the younger generation.

Our culture may change, but needs do not change. Our methods of reaching the lost may change, but our message never changes. Second Timothy 4:3, speaks of a time when people will have “itching ears,” seeking ministers who will preach what they want to hear rather than what they need to hear. We are living in that time. Many pastors today think success means a continual increase in the size of their congregation, but God’s idea of success is simply doing His will.

In this passionate message about the Church, where it is headed, and the responsibilities of both the pastor and the congregation, Bob Yandian shares from his heart based on his many years as a pastor and the trends he is seeing in today’s churches. This message will inspire anyone, specially pastors,who have a concern for the State of the Church and where it is headed.

(Please allow a minute for the audio to begin playing)

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